Upgrading RDS Aurora MySQL DB Engine Version with Minimal Downtime

Posted on Thu 19 January 2023 in DevOps • 3 min read

This procedure explains how to switch over from an existing Aurora MySQL RDS cluster running a specific engine version to a new Aurora MySQL RDS cluster running a new engine version (eg. Upgrading the engine version of Aurora MySQL from 5.6 to Aurora MySQL 5.7). It has been tested successfully in upgrading an Aurora MySQL from 5.6 to Aurora MySQL 5.7 and also upgrading an Aurora MySQL from 5.7 to Aurora MySQL 8.

Considerations before Upgrading from MySQL 5.7 to MySQL 8

If you are using ISO date formats when querying DATETIME fields, your queries will no longer work in MySQL 8, so you will either need to update your queries to use the correct DATETIME format, ie YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS, or to use the STR_TO_DATE function, eg:

SELECT STR_TO_DATE( '2019-02-20T10:00:00.000Z', '%Y-%m-%dT%T.%fZ');

Otherwise you will run into errors that look like this:

mysql> SELECT * FROM  example_table WHERE example_field >= '2023-01-02T06:45:31+0000';
ERROR 1525 (HY000): Incorrect DATETIME value: '2023-01-02T06:45:31+0000'

Prepare for Upgrade

It is important to create a new parameter group for each cluster that you are upgrading so that you don't accidentally put another production cluster into read only mode.

  • Add a DNS CNAME to point to the RDS load balancer for the current Aurora cluster with a TTL of 60 seconds.
  • Create a new DB Cluster parameter group with the same settings as the default parameter group.
  • Change binlog_format from either OFF (this was the default in 5.6) or ROW (this was the default in 5.7) to MIXED in the new Parameter group.
  • Add a new Reader instance to the cluster.
  • Modify the new Reader instance to use the new DB Cluster Parameter Group.
  • Apply the changes immediately.
  • Reboot the new Reader instance for the Parameter Group changes to take effect.
  • Failover the new Reader instance so that it becomes the Master/Writer so that the cluster does not need to be rebooted for the parameter group changes to take effect.
  • Confirm that binlog_format is enabled on the new Writer instance that you failed over to in point (4) above.
SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'binlog_format';

The output should look like this:

| Variable_name | Value |
| binlog_format | MIXED |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
  • Confirm that the new Writer is able to replicate to a new cluster:

If nothing is returned, replication is not enabled and you need to investigate before proceeding.

  • Check binlog rotation time, increase to 24 hours minimum:
CALL mysql.rds_show_configuration();
CALL mysql.rds_set_configuration('binlog retention hours', 24);
  • Create a user to set up replication:

Start the Upgrade

Restore Snapshot to the new Aurora DB Engine Version

  • Check binlog positions:
  • Take a snapshot of the read replica.
  • Restore the snapshot into a new Aurora cluster using the new DB engine version.
  • Configure the Writer in the new Aurora cluster to replicate from the Aurora cluster running the old engine version:
CALL mysql.rds_set_external_master('<MASTER_ENDPOINT>', 3306, '<USERNAME>', '<PASSWORD>','<BINLOG_FILE>', '<BINLOG_POSITION>', 0);
CALL mysql.rds_start_replication;
  • Check that there is no replication lag, and wait for the slave to catch up to master (ensure that Seconds_Behind_Master is 0):
  • Create a read replica in the new Aurora cluster running the new DB engine version.

Swing over to new Aurora Cluster

  • Put application into maintenance mode.
  • Edit parameter group and change read_only from {TrueIfReplica} to 1 to prevent writes to the old cluster (no reboot required).
  • Update DNS CNAME to point to the new RDS Cluster endpoint.
  • Reset the new master/writer in the new Aurora cluster:
CALL mysql.rds_reset_external_master;
  • Take application out of maintenance mode.
  • Stop the old Aurora Cluster.
  • Test.
  • Start and delete the old Cluster after a few days (it cannot be deleted when it is stopped).

Rolling back

  • Start the old Aurora Cluster.
  • Once the old cluster is up, put application into maintenance mode.
  • Update DNS CNAME to point back to the old RDS Cluster endpoint.
  • Edit parameter group and change read_only back from 1 to {TrueIfReplica} to enable writes the cluster (no reboot required).
  • Take application out of maintenance mode.
  • Test.
